Question of the Day: Carriage of Cells / Batteries by Air – in Personal Baggage or as cargo?
Question of the Day: Carriage of Cells / Batteries by Air – in Personal Baggage or as cargo? A colleague wants to take 200 batteries from reputable manufacturers in his baggage from Germany to overseas (no lithium, but alkaline manganese, alkali, zinc-air). The 200 batteries are for devices that are also taken. Is he allowed to do that? Answer:

Question of the Day:
Carriage of Cells / Batteries by Air – in Personal Baggage or as cargo?
A colleague wants to take 200 batteries from reputable manufacturers in his baggage from Germany to overseas (no lithium, but alkaline manganese, alkali, zinc-air). The 200 batteries are for devices that are also taken. Is he allowed to do that?
* NO carriage of cells / batteries, if these are NOT for the personal use of the passenger:
If the cells / batteries are not for devices for personal use of this employee, then this is transport of commodities. This must then be transported as cargo. Please note that in air transport for nickel-metal hydride and for e.g. Alkaline cells / batteries entries in the air waybill must be made. You can download the necessary information sheets for air transport free of charge via FIND A SINGLE CHECKLIST:
* Carriage of cells / batteries for personal use:
A person may only carry for personal use max. 20 cells / batteries, which are individually secured against short circuits in carry-on baggage. For this the approval of the airlines is not needed. But check out our variations module because many airlines have already reduced this number:
For 200 cells / batteries your employee can get approval from the carrier to carry more than 20 cells / batteries if the cells / batteries are for the personal needs of the employee, for example if the employee needs the equipment and batteries to do his job abroad AND brings everything back to Germany. In that case, be make sure that this authorization is registered by the airline in the Personal Passenger Protocol in Amadeus and that the employee takes a copy of this protocol with him. On the customs side, of course, everything has to be taken into account for the export, the import to the country of destination and the re-export there and the re-import to Germany.